Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

GET READY! New Breaking Dawn Footage Is HERE!!

We ask and we shall receive!!!
After just seeing the new Breaking Dawn Part One posters, we FINALLY got some new footage!!! Sure, it's only 16 seconds, but it's the most intense 16 seconds YOU WILL EVER SEE - if intense means a lot of lost and confused expressions, pregnant bellies and WOLVES!!
Only two months [...]

We know, we know.

We can't believe we waited a whole 'nother damn year for it to almost be over again too.

BUT! As much as it pains us to wait around for these True Blood seasons, it's so worth it!

Bon Temps is full of surprises, but this season we've been surprised every single episode it seems like. So we're super sad to see another season end, but we're soo ready to watch the finale.

Will it answer questions? Will we be left hanging?

Thankfully, Kevin Alejandro (who plays witch Jesus Hernandez) has dished on everything from the cast's reaction to the finale to what ours will be!

On hanging out with the cast:

We all have our own things going, but we all really, genuinely, enjoy each other's company. We'll go to a party together or people will come over to my place and we'll just kick it and have a drink. There's a genuine friendship between a lot of us.

On the cast's reaction to the season finale:

Well, actually last weekend's episode read as a season finale. It could have very easily been the season finale. It was so good. We all thought when we saw it, and then all of a sudden they gave us the script for the actual season finale and it blew us out of the water.

On what OUR reaction will be:

You can expect to be completely surprised in all different angles of the show. It's more captivating and will leave you on the edge of your seats. And I guarantee you, eyebrows will be raised. Some things will get resolved and a lot of stuff is going to be left hanging in the air, where you're just going to be like, "What the hell?"

Ahhh! Why can't Sunday be here now!?!

[Image via AP Images.]

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