Dienstag, 22. November 2011

Need A Job? Scream 5 Needs A Writer!

With everything that Kevin Williamson is up to these days, we're not surprised at all that they'd need a new writer!
Last we heard about Scream 5, Wes Craven announced that he'd be taking the summer off, BUT he had previously assured us that the movie would definitely be happening…eventually.
During a recent interview, Wes opened up [...]

Designed to awaken members' super powers, the Church of Scientology is putting their finishing touches on the The Super Power Building.

This will be the place to go if you want to enhance any of your 57 perceptics (powers that scientologists claim to possess).

A spokesman for the Church states:

[Super Power training is] a series of spiritual counseling processes designed to give a person back his own viewpoint, increase his perception, exercise his power of choice, and greatly enhance other spiritual abilities.

Created within the mind of founder L. Ron Hubbard himself, he claimed this energy mecca would:

...put scientologists into a new realm of ability enabling them to create the new world. It puts the world clearing within reach in the future.

Yeah, whatever that means...

The Super Power Building has cost $90 million to make. The futuristic castle of gyms boasts 889 rooms, NASA-esque training equipment, 42 bathrooms, a dining room that seats 1,140, and an outdoor terrace that would put even the Titanic to shame.

So we guess we'll be seeing Tom Cruise in the sky soon enough, huh? HA!

OH! Bee tee dub! This thing is in Florida!

WTF!?! How much will the Hollywood followers have to fly back and forth til they become superheroes???

[Image via WENN.]


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